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the past
December 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008
Tim Just Wants To Rant
Hello readers of Jewin's blog(If there are any). Jewin isn't here. It's Timontek taking his place today. Simply because Timontek wants to let off some steam and rant abit about his current depression. Can ah? Can laaaa...

Timontek wants to rant about his love life which has gone downhill and I think it finally reached the bottom of the hill already. No going back up the hill. I wont rant that long. I just wanted to rant about the memories, tears, laughter, thrills, and love that was once shared between me and her. The old her. Where are you la? Please come back =(. Everything is now going down the drain.SIGH.

What was it that changed the way you feel? And what was it that made you so rude to me and take me for granted. I'm really curious. Please let me know why. I know it's quite pathetic to be saying all this through a blog. But talking to you seems harder to do now. If only I knew this was coming after only 6 months on that day you came over with a cupcake with a candle and a rock n roll book.

Sigh I really don't deserve this.

Okay my first time writing a blog post and it's quite sad. Finished ranting already. By the way i still think blogging is for GAYS. But I guess I just turned gay recently due to this depression so maybe it's okay now.

Excuse my sadness. Bye assholes.
-Tim(Pussy Boy)-

P.S. - 341634474728  183636. Why are you confusing me =\

Thursday, December 4, 2008
malaysians have creative minds..
Our country, Malaysia, is known for their rip offs of other people's ideas. Even our national language is a rip off of a whole lotta other languages put together. Anything that other countries have, Malaysia will come up with something and rip it off.. Here are a few examples, 

Their American Idol

Our Malaysian Idol

Their Fast and the Furious

Our Impak Maksima

Their Batman

Our Keluang Man

Their Spiderman

Our Cicakman

Their World Trade Center Twin Towers

Our Petronas Twin Towers

Their The Thinker

Our own Thinker (credits to Kennysia)

Their Tokyo Drift

Our KL Drift

Their Daihatsu Mira

Our Perodua Kancil

Their The Apprentice

Our The Firm

Their San Francisco Bridge

Our Penang Bridge

Imitation is the best form of flattery, problem is our country has not flattered much. sad eh.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
JD on my mind..
Last saturday night, sathis, jitz, tim and myself was chilling at my house porch with a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. Been awhile since i've laid back like that and it felt awesome.

anyways, a whole lotta shits happened after that night, i woke up with this blog created for me by jitz, a string of strange dreams while i was sleeping and something sad happened. But what i wanna talk about now is about the dreams i had. 

Roughly what i dreamt was : 
  • Me being trapped in a building
  • Tim killing a cat by giving it pills
  • Jitz and Tim being possessed by Casper, i tried to be priest and exorcise them, ending up in me being possessed too
  • Jitz reading a blog post.
There was more but i can't recall any at the moment, all these was dreamt in one night, haha.
About that last point, i saw jitz in his room, reading a blog post, and i saw a picture.

I visited cheryl ho's blog recently, something i have never done in months, and i saw this picture up in one of her posts

taken from cherylho.net

This was the exact pic I saw when jitz was reading the blog post, in my dream. 100% Exact. WTF?!@#

Question is, do dreams really come true? or was the alcohol screwing with my mind? Was i dreaming about the future? or mere coincidence? Will all the other dreams i had that night come true aswell somehow or rather? Deja vu ?



Monday, December 1, 2008
Product of Jack Daniels
The reason i have a blog
